Thursday, January 12, 2006

Luisada University Cafeteria

Its time for finals at Luisada University, so many of the students have been hanging out in the cafeteria to take part in some "social studying." Among the many differences between America and Portugal, social studying is one similarity. We study with our friends, books open, binders out, but not much studying happens...its all about the people. Its a great time to talk have fun and really not get much done. My experience with Ben in the cafeteria did not include any social studying, but we met 3 Portuguese business students.

Three guys in their 5th year at the university were enjoying a break before their test. We had a nice chat over some coffee just relaxing. We found it very interesting when talking about social life among different European countries when these students agreed with us in saying Portuguese people are much more open and friendly than most of Europe in general. In our similar travelling experiences we found a different social life in Portugal with more time spent simply talking in a cafe or bar. We talked sports, travelling, school, and whatever else came up. Lots of fun, looking foward to meeting up again at a cool cafe of their choice.



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